Environmental Policy

YUEI, as a specialized manufacturer of casters, we consider its responsibility as "Providing products that contribute to the global environment and produce products that are friendly to the local community", so that established the following items.

  1. We investigate and evaluate the impact of our activities, products and services to environment, and set environmental goals to be achieved, then implement continuous environmental activities.
  2. We comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations, and other requirements we agree with.
  3. In order to improve environmental performance, we establish an environmental management system and strive to protect the environment including continuous improvement and prevention of pollution.
  4. We will promote the design and development of casters that are friendly to the global environment and communities, with improvement of the manufacturing environment.
  5. We strive for energy conservation, efficient use of resources, promotion of recycling and reduction of waste in all operations.
  6. The environmental policy is thoroughly informed to all employees and released to the outside.

Scope of environmental management system

We have established an environmental management system in accordance with our environmental policy,
endeavored to continuously improve the system, and promote environmental preservation activities actively.
The scope of our environmental management system is as follows.

1. Name

YUEI Co., Ltd.

2. Site (Function and physical boundary)
Head Office (including Osaka Branch)
2-1-10 Tokui-cho,Chuo-ku,Osakacity,Osaka
Tokyo Branch
2nd. Floor, Prostech Akihabara, 6-13-10,
Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Chubu Branch
58 Warizuka-cho, Kasugai city, Aichi
Fukuoka Sales Office
3F, NS Naraya building, 11-6, Naraya-machi,
Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city Fukuoka
Kanto Factory
3-5-5, Akanedai, Hanno city, Saitama
Nara Ikezawa Factory
321-9, Ikezawa-cho, Yamatokoriyama city, Nara
Nara Nukatabe Factory
374-4, Nukatabeminami-cho, Yamatokoriyama city, Nara
Fukuoka Factory
474-124, Akaike, Fukuchi-machi, Tagawa-gun, Fukuoka
Logistics Center
1-5-44 Honjo-Nishi, Higashi-Osaka city, Osaka
FS Nara Factory
3-1, Imago-cho, Yamatokoriyamacity, Nara
3. Applicable range of management
Personnel Employees (including part-time and temporary staff)
Area All locations within the above address
Product Casters and related products
  • ① Design and development of product
  • ② Product manufacturing
  • ③ Sales activities
  • ④ Purchasing / outsourcing activities
  • ⑤ Staff education and training
  • ⑥ Logistics activities

Quality is based on world standard

In order to continue to be a leading manufacturer of casters,
we acquired ISO 14001 in 2004, raised environmental awareness and established reliability.

ISO14001 CertificationISO14001 Certification